
Help With Filing BK

Has anyone used Bridgeport Bankruptcy services or other online forms to file Pro Se Chapter 7? I can’t afford the attorney fees. Any advice would be appreciated.

I thought of using them too but I am skeptical about internet companies anymore after being scammed once before. I went to google and looked up bridgeprt there and it brought up a website called “Rip- off Revenge”. There are a couple of postings worth reading on there about them. I am going to the federal website and downloading the forms myself. Good Luck to you.

I got scared to try Bridgeport or other online companies after realizing they don’t give a phone # or address. I am going to hire a lawyer. I go Tuesday to file my papers. He said it would take about 4 or 5 hours. I am getting a lot of collection calls and will be so relieved to file. At least then I can tell the creditors “I have filed BK”. I can’t beleive I have gotten myself so in over my head. I am trying to learn everything I can from everyone on this blog and several others. Everyone is so helpful.

Tax payment

Some lawmaker was proposing to tax prostitution

Unfortunately, I’ve never forgotten about them. That urks me, too. And prostitutes, etc. It was so funny, because I had heard on the news very recently (don’t remember many details, as I was driving) that some lawmaker was proposing to tax prostitution. That was the funniest thing I’d heard in a long time. Not that I wish there was a way to do it. But how on earth could it ever be done?

Some are misers – but there are misers in every financial level. I had to laugh at your picture of the lunch! Sharing a sandwich! LOL. Sounds like some of my dates! LOL.
I’m picturing you there with Ebeneezer Scrooge – boy, he was, wasn’t he? Well, did you at least get some substantial advice from him?

Refresh my memory. How did Helmsley get a raw deal? We all know that she didn’t go to prison for her comment (almost sounds like that in your post, but I know that’s not what you meant).

I don’t remember a lot about her experience, except for how tired I was at looking at her on the news. But in what way did she get a raw deal? Did she get more time than usual for her crime than others that had committed the same crime? Or maybe really had not evaded taxes after all? I’m not challenging at all, just really do not remember any unfairness in her situation.

But do they pay taxes? I’d forgotten about Nevada! A friend of mine went to Vegas and was telling me about how they hand out cards similar to baseball cards, to solicit. He said the streets are littered with them, and they hand them out to people who have children with them, etc. Wow. But do you know if they are taxed? That would be interesting to know – I never had thought about that.

Here is an interesting quote I came across in a book I am reading called America’s God and Country. It was written by Noah Webster who wrote the first American Dictionary in 1828. (I always get him confused with Daniel Webster who was Secretary of State under Harrison and Tyler).

When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.

-History of United States by Noah Webster.

I am not getting into a debate about who was allowed to vote then, the ironic point is how true he was about corrupt politicians getting into office.

Tax payment

I don’t think that people want to penalize others

One can read that conclusion into it, but I don’t think that people want to penalize others. The general belief among the poor is that the rich get a pass when it comes to paying their fair share. Right or wrong, that’s not the same as punishment – unless it’s Leona Helmsley who was famous for saying “taxes are for little people”, then they put her in prison. She got a raw deal though, only because of her arrogance.

Many strict Constitutionalists maintain that the government has no right to tax personal labor in the first place, and that the IRS operates outside of the law. They also agree that taxing corporations is well within the Constitution. We have things backwards sometimes.

I just wanted it to be clear how I felt. That’s an intersting survey—wish we were able to find it.
Back when I first started my job here (about 20 years ago), working for a small business, I was a struggling single mom. I drove the proverbial junk car, didn’t have many nice clothes, etc. I couldn’t help the natural feeling of resenting our owners and some of the management, as they all lived in an affluent community and obviously had so many advantages that I did not.

I was whining to my mom about it, feeling sorry for myself. She told me the most sensible, true thing that put everything in perspective for me and made me content with being myself and them being themselves.

She said: No matter how wealthy a person is, there is always someone wealthier than him who looks down on him as having less. For every person who DOES have less, there is always somebody looking up at them, feeling they have more than them. She meant that as bad off as I thought I was, there was always someone who would consider me rich. And as wealthy as some people are, there’s always somebody with even more who would consider them beneath them.

Well, it made me feel better then. But I do have to say—-as wealthy as these small business owners were who were my bosses, they never at any time allowed me to feel inferior. They were very generous in their benefits (and still are), and share the fortune as much as possible. They realize that we are an integral and necessary part of their success. And I believe God blesses their business as a result of this.

Not sure why I’m bringing this up. Just hate that “rich” has to be one big category, which lumps honest, hard-working and fair businessmen who happen to be wealthy in with the likes of —–yes—- Paris Hilton, etc.

Tax payment

Two wrongs don’t make a right

I was reminded of those words recently when Dateline did a show featuring a precious little boy who was born with progeria. It is a disease that makes a child age quickly and die very young.

The reporter asked him why he didn’t strike back when someone had said something cruel to him.

Without pause, this wise little boy said , two wrongs don’t make a right.

I was in tears.

Oh, that we would all follow the advice of this inspiring little boy. What a difference we could make in the world!

I believe many very wealthy people are very careful with their money. That’s probably why they have it! Some are downright misers though. Many years ago I met a retired lawyer through work. We talked alot about me starting my own business. He invited me to lunch one day to discuss it. I was skinny as a rail and this man winked at me as he ordered one sandwich that we shared! He said, you don’t want to gain weight do you? I laughed and thought… you don’t want to pay for two sandwiches! LOL

Also you forgot about all the people who do not pay taxes, ie drug dealers and criminals of the like, even thouse who get paid under the table in cash and don’t pay taxes on it. Yet they all have 100 dollar tennis shoes and 80 dollar jeans, yet they still collect food stamps and live in goverment housing…things that make you go hummmm

If you are referring to my post, please don’t put words in my mouth. For one thing, I only said that our state and local taxes are already set up this way, and nobody has complained or felt like it was aimed at the rich. That’s all I said. Period.

Also——please take the time to fully read the posts before you respond. (If you’re referring to mine). Look closely, and you will see that I copied an excerpt from the “Fair Tax” website, then followed up by saying it sounds like it IS a punishment for the rich, and that it made me uncomfortable.

I’m not sure whose post you’re responding to—-just wanted to make it clear that, if it’s mine, NO I DO NOT BELIEVE IN TAXING THE WEALTH. Oh—–and accept my apology if it’s not my post you’re responding to. LOL!

Wow—that is a very good point! Well—consider, if you will—-Gilligans Island (I know, I know—-don’t laugh). But, really, who ended up really running the place and keeping everybody alive and fed? Gilligan, the Captain, the Professor and Mary Ann. The Howells and the Movie Star were simply dead weight. LOL.
Seriously, though, you have a really good point. I agree completely!

A self-made rich person, who came up through the ranks and has knowledge and experience and knows how to appreciate what he has—–that person, to me, is what I call “rich”. The likes of Paris Hilton (choking as I type her name) and those, like you said, who were just born into it—–I don’t consider that “rich” in any way. Their lives seem so very empty and void, and the only way to entertain themselves in their dull lives is by getting in trouble and making themselves notorious. And it’s getting harder and harder for them to do so, as they just keep getting more and more extreme.

Didn’t mean to go on. I’ve seen Ms. HIlton’s name a few times on the board, and just have to choke everytime I see it or hear anything about that pitiful little rich girl.

Tax payment

So you believe in taxing the wealth. Do you also believe that we should dole out food based on a person’s size?

People in a free society should be free to give away what they earn, use it as they please, or hoard it. As horrible as that may sound to some. That is what living in a capitalist society is all about. Read the biography of R.G. LeTourneau. He went bust several times. In the end, he made millions and gave 90% away of his own choosing.

If society does not allow this, then it takes away the incentives to take risks. As evil as many people call the oil companies, ask your familiy members if they happen to own any stock or mutual funds which are invested in these companies? If they do, then I guarantee that they are looking for a substantial return on their investment.

It is not all roses though. An economist I know who works for the Federal Reserve has said many times, that what is good for society is not always good for the investors. His 2 favorite examples are the Railrods in the mid-1800s and the fiber-optics in the 1990’s. Both of these laid foundations for generations to come, but those heavily invested, lost their shirts.

I do believe that if someone is willing to take the big risk, then they are entitled to decide how to spend their gains (if they get any). If I have any money left when I die, I should have the right to leave it to my kids, my grandkids, give it away, whatever I decide.

I realize that. I’m just saying that these taxes are based such that the more spent, the more taxed. So it seems the “rich” are carrying the largest burden in contributing the the state and local tax. One thought, though – when you read stories about true millionaires, who really do have money, you find ironically, they don’t spend very much. A good percentage of them are very frugal.
I wonder if, really, our taxes are being paid in most part by just people who live beyond their means and do max out credit cards, trying to keep up with the Jones’.

One ting, though, that trouble me, was this section from the “Fair Tax” page——->

Is the FairTax fair? Yes, the FairTax is fair, and in fact, much fairer than the income tax. Wealthy people spend more money than other individuals. They buy expensive cars, big houses, and yachts. They buy filet mignon instead of hamburger, fine wine instead of beer, designer dresses, and expensive jewelry. The FairTax taxes them on these purchases. If, however, they use their money to build job-creating factories, finance research and development to create new products, or fund charitable activities (all of which help improve the standard of living of others), then those activities are not taxed.

For some reason, it made me uncomfortable with the categorizing it has made of “rich” people, almost with a bitterness toward them in general. I have no feelings one way or another about the rich, but I still did not like the tone of the statement, almost as if it were, as someone says, a punishment.

Tax payment

I haven’t read the Fair Tax information yet

I’m confused. I haven’t read the Fair Tax information yet – but, based on only what you’ve mentioned – is that not already the way it is? All taxable sales are based on purchase nothing else. And income tax is based on salary. So, if everybody now who makes purchases pays for tax on what they purchase, whether rich or not, how will a new “fair tax” be different and unfair to the rich? Are they not already paying taxes on taxable items now? And, even now, if what you say is true, are they not already buying more because of more money, therefore more tax? I’m not asking this for argument sake – just sincerely curious.

My ignorance keeps getting exposed! But I have to ask – why would the name Neal Boortz cause dispare? I’m not familiar with him, so I guess I’m off to Google to find out about him. Thanks for the information.

You will find a lot about Neal BOORtz doing a search. Check this site and read the comments! Gotta agree with the writer who says, what would Jesus think!

The sales tax does not go to the Federal Government, it goes to state and local. That explains a lot. This man obviously believes that there’s a direct relationship between one’s worth as a person (his very right to life) and the value of his bank account. Un-effing-believable! Well there’s a tribute to free speech in America, when a Nazi can have his own radio show.

Amazing isn’t it this guy can make big bucks spreading his hate. I love some of the comments on that site.. like save the farmer and possibly get some food and leave the blabbermouth radio host! LOL!

Consider that there’s just been a national disaster. Who would you rather have with you: a migrant worker and mechanic who know how to grow food and keep the tractor running, or Oprah and Rush? Not that those two are examples of this, but many rich people are good examples of people who’ve learned how to take advantage of others and the system, but someone who knows how to make shoes or build a wall has far more value. Besides, most great wealth is inherited, so like Paris Hilton, these people are probably not examples of anything other than just being born right. Why save them?

Tax payment

I saw the site and read the FAQ

Well I saw the Fair Tax site and read the FAQ. There’s a lot to like there, but it’s regressive and leaves the biggest loopholes of all in that vast sums of wealth can be earned, accumulated and retained both within corporations and in personal accounts and these monies are never taxed unless the money is actually withdrawn and spent on goods in this country. The middle classes spends nearly all of their income in ways that will be subject to the sales tax, and although the wealthy do spend a lot, they hardly spend it all. That’s why they’re rich!! The money they DON’T spend goes completely untaxed and the same is true of the vast sums that remain in their corporations.

This fortune will compound with interest and furthermore be passed on from one generation to the next without being taxed creating royal bloodlines the likes of which we haven’t seen since Luis IV and the Czars. I’m not so sure this is as “fair” as we’d like. Unless I’m missing something, it looks more like another way to dupe the people into giving the rich another lucky windfall. If they find a way to correct the parts I’ve highlighted, I might be a supporter, but when I see who is behind this, I don’t think it’s possible.

There is also a Fair Tax book that has a lot of good info in it if your interested. It’s called The Fair Tax Book and is written by Congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz. Many will dispare simply because Neal’s name is on the book and that is not a good reason to write it off. It is the brainchild of Congressman John Linder,who, along with his contacts did all of the research. Neal helped put it into book form. It is available at most large book stores, on-line sites, etc.

How would you define fair? What is “Fair” and “guaranteed” as frow wegot1000? The progressive income tax is socialist at its base. Karl Marx wrote this in 1848.

The Fair Tax is still progressive because there is no tax exempt entities. Every purchase of a new item will be taxed. The wealthier the person, the more new items they purchase. The more they purchase, the more tax they pay. Even the Kennedy’s will begin paying the tax.

I do trust that you are not of the opinion that all rich people should be punished.

I stated once before, those who believe in current progressive income tax should apply the same logic to the next Pizza they order and plan to share. Before anyone gets any pizza, everyone gets weighed. The heaviest person gets the least and the lightest gets the most. It really is the same thing at heart. As long the Dems keep preaching class warfare, then people will not see anything as fair unless the rich pay 99% of their income in taxes.

Taxes are not designed to bring everyone to the same economic level. It is to fund the government (yes, who wastes far too much!).


Keep a journal of all calls made and include,dates, phone#s department names person’s names, their titles, etc, etc. Also, dont take the first offer you get, ask for their supervisor, and then that person’s supervisor….try to hit at least 2 higher ups. and Finally, if you are able to come up with an agreement that you feel will work for you GET IT IN WRITING!!! WORD FOR WORD WHAT THEY STATE THEY WILL ACCEPT FROM YOU AS PAYMENT IN FULL OF THE DEBT!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this is all stuff you know….but just in case…..

You have a point there. I wasn’t really thinking about your home also being a business. But there have been changes in laws.

From what I’ve been reading here it sounds like Citi Bank doesn’t work with people. I heard that they won’t do the reduced amount either. Is that true?

When I got behind with Citibank they told me I could get on a hardship plan that lasted maybe 6 to 9 months. I can’t remember. They reduced the interest during that time and didn’t charge the fees they had been charging.

There was never any mention of a settlement for a lower amount, until they sold the debt , which was all interest and fees. I didn’t even realize that for a long time though. Paying Citi was just part of my life and I was in a real fog about my finances at that time. The debt buyer said if I paid the total amount they would reduce it, but just had I had not been able to pay the balance with Citi, I unfortunatly made an agreement with the debt buyer to make monthly payments.

Big mistake since they were charging their own interest and keeping me in the dark about it.

No they don’t want to work with people. However they will take less, They have been offering me less on 2 bills provided I pay up front. Of course its money I don’t have. They told me that they don’t usually sell there accounts. But they are quicker to try and sue you so they get their money. They did try to sue me, but it must not have worked, because its been 4 months and I haven’t heard anything and they are trying to settle with me.

I felt this way too, but in reality, we have the responsibility to look closely at our bills. I see most companies now actually ‘bold’ or capitalize the words ‘Finance Charge’ on the bills we get.

The ones that do not do this are shadier than an oak tree in your yard, and you can actually demand a rundown of their interest charges.

I had a JUNIPER (:-P) account, and they kept to their end of ‘$37.00 a month, but…. had I not looked at the actual bill rundown, I would have failed to notice their FINANCE CHARGE was in fact $39.87 so I was going deeper by $2.87 a month. When I saw that, I doubled their payment!

Same when I kicked up about the interest on a collector’s bill. They tried to say ‘tough noogies’ but I said, ‘cool. Take me to court then because I’m not paying any more without being let in on what you’re doing in this scam’.

They then applied all the payments I made to the principle and lowered the future payments. I kept the payments the same though, it put more on their (Now lowered) interests, and my balance. I got free of them in April this year, 1 year earlier than the agreement.


The thing about bankruptcy

HELLO it is me again, originator of the post AT THE END… the thing about bankruptcy is, waht i was told by 2 lawyers, is they will SELL/AUCTION our HOME as it is ALSO our business (we had inn/tavern) and the problem is they will only probably get half of what it is worth at an auction and once the auctioneers get paid, the lawyers get paid for liquidating your assets, and the bank gets paid the balance on the mortgage, there wont be much left and if our creditors get that, well, we get ZERO… we put our life savings in this place and we worked for free for 8 years… to leave with only the clothes on our backs would not be an answer for me… the income we make here on renting lodging at least pays for the building, but does not cover the creditors that comes from our personal wages..

our best bet was to sell the place ourselves at good price and pay off everything and still at least recoup or original spendings and start with somethinng… but after several years and 2 failed sales, we give up on that the market is just not there. I figure if we stop paying out 3k or more a month on credit cards we can afford to live halfway decent and save some away… so if in the end we cant settle we can at least have something to work with if they take our place/home etc.

We have paid them more in interest than we ever borrowed so technically they should settle with us… we have paid well over a 100k in interest already and we still owe them… so I wont feel bad about it anymore. I have to start putting our basic needs first. It sucks no matter how you look at it thats for sure. THANKS FOR ALL THE REPLIES… I think I will go play a dollar on lotto now !!! I will go check the website you sent also, thanks!

I did the same thing… paying interest and fees long after I had paid the original amount of the debt . I’m not against interest, but there comes a point where you are simply in debtors prison and need to get out. My lawyer told me he has seen this time after time.

The CC Co’s are all for changing the terms of the agreement. Sometimes we need to change the agreement and simply put a stop to this robbery! Do you realize debt buyer agencies will be calling you? The credit card co’s will sell all that interest and fees on your account for pennies on the dollar and the debt agency will add their own interest.

I only had one account sold to an agency and foolishly agreed to make monthly payments. I didn’t find out until several months later the $1700.00 I had sent them over a period of months was not reducing the amount they said I owed, but they were increasing my debt. The kept me in the dark about the interest they were charging. Imagine, selling intertest and then getting more interest piled on. Compound interest gone wild!!!


Stop throwing good money after bad. Take that money you have been sending to creditors and hire a good bankruptcy attorney. There is no sense ruining your health over this and not saving any money for retirement. You need to put yourself and your family first!

There are laws to protect you! Take advantage of them. Tomorrow morning, call and interview several bankruptcy attorney’s, another option would be to ask for a referral for an attorney from someone you trust, perhaps your accountant, or talk to family and friends. DONT be embarassed, so many people are going through this!!! You are not alone!! Go with your gut. Most offer free consultations and some offer free phone consultations.

You SO deserve peace. It’s your turn. Allow yourself to receive it! DONT stress yourself out by calling those darn creditors!!!! Talk with a bankruptcy attorney first!!! I am in a similar situation, though on a much smaller scale. I’m like you…..very in control of my money, very diligent about paying bills on time. But after 2 years with a business that could not keep up with it’s bills…..I decided ENOUGH. I am still learning all about this, and am in the process of filing chapter 13. Things seem rough at first when you make the decision, but once you accept it, it honestly get’s easier. Honestly. Hang in there……

Also, just a tip…there is a wonderful web site to check out with ton’s of info,

Please, reconsider bankruptcy. Most attorneys will give you a free consultation. You could also see if there’s a law college nearby. There’s one near where I live and the professors supervise students in a clinic as they provide free or low-cost legal help. Don’t know if all law colleges have this kind of clinic but it can’t hurt to ask.

If you’re still unsure about filing for bankruptcy get a piece of paper and make two columns on it. In one, list the bad side of doing it like the effect on credit scores and in the other, list the good things such as being able to afford decent food and sleeping well at night.

About four or five years ago my brother and his fiance broke up. She’d managed to get a couple of credit cards in both of their names, which he didn’t know about until after they split. He was able to file bankruptcy, get rid of those card debts, but GOT TO KEEP HIS HOUSE. So you just might get to keep your current home.

It sounds like you are a candidate for bankruptcy. I would look into it. I know not every situation calls for BK, but 140K debt and very little income to cover even your basic utilities, you need more than settlement offers.

Also, You need to see a financial Counselor. You should be able to find one in the Yellow Pages or online search. You might find one on Dave Ramsey’s site as an ELP. (endorsed local provider)